LA Parking Tickets

Parking tickets — near and (not so) dear to Angelenos — are especially prominent in Downtown Los Angeles and West Hollywood . Gotten that red slip? You’re not alone. We’ve analyzed almost 3000 tickets from the past three years and projected them onto a map of Los Angeles, so you can see where you’re most likely to be issued that dreaded fine.

Our tip: if you want to avoid a ticket, stay away from DTLA and other touristy spots, such as Fashion District, Santa Monica, Westwood, and Brooklyn Heights.

The map data gets more and more precise as you zoom in, down to the very street it was issued. We’ve also included the cost of the fine, so that you can have a better idea of the price an unfortunate ticket winner will be paying. To get more ticket info, just click or mouse over the hexagons.

Technologies used: Leaflet, Mapbox, D3, JQuery Data sources: Parking Citations